Monday, March 17, 2008

Fire in the MICROWAVE

oh my ever loving god!

I saw my kuey teow soup light up in the microwave...

i saw zaps of light and i thought that the microwave was gonna explode..

after taking it out, i saw burnt marks on the side of the cup!

occurance of incident -

cause of incident -

proof of incident -

lesson of the day?

microwaves are dangerous.. especially if you're going to put a paper cup filled with kuey teow's in it.....
Oh... and lookie what I found today while running errands for the cafe at Village Grocer?

It's one of those japanese products! I bought it last year when I was in Japan in the 100yen shop...
Obviously it cost cheaper than compared here.. DUH!
But I prefered the one that I bought...
Cuz it was cheesecake instead of custard!
I'm officially on a mission to look for the one with cheesecake...
Ask Grace..
she tasted it before!

1 comment:

Mabelle Me said...

better than shee pinn she put the dont knw wat in the microwave over...and had foil...and then..kaboof...she almost burn her office...haha!