Friday, March 28, 2008

Celebrity Fitness's 1st Anniversary!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!

It's celebrity fitness's ( the one in bangsar village II ) first anniversary.. SO CHEERS!!!!

erm.. ya... big hoo-haa bout it... they invited the media and all the celebrity ( that's why it's called CELEBRITY fitness ) anybody who was somebody were there... from the chong sister's from the amazing race to amber chia, to stephanie chai, to.. aiya... go read the newspaper i think they covered it.. or not... but whatever...

It was such a big hoo-haa till they had red carpets all the way from outside the door leading to the lift and all the way to celebrity fitness... they even had the backdrop with all the logos of celebrity fitness with it's sponsoring partner all over... for what? have you heard of the grammys??? go figure...

Whatever it is... I didn't have fun.. I didn't get a trickle of alcohol down my throat while all the other staff were wasted!! Serious wasted...

And oh.. to my dear special someone... Go fug yourself and make sure you die!!! FAST!!

oh.. and i've got no pics at all... even tho i was bumping around all night with wine and beer.. because i was WORKING!!! Oh... only one when amer was walking round with his camera taking candid shots... i swear i'll look like some fugly bitch in it!!! eeeee!!!!

oh.. P... thank you... only you can talk bout something else and make me not feel so sad over my own shit... =)

And so i'm dedicating this post to you even if it has nothing to do with you!!


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